Bangkok Dangerous is mildly entertaining at best. It's not Nicolas Cage's best, but he was still pretty good. The plot line doesn't really make any sense, but I hoped there would be a lot of action, you know, to help you forget that there's no story to follow. I was, however, disappointed. I came home from school today, excited to see what was #1 at the box office last weekend. I wasted time that I could have spent watching 'Yes, Dear' and 'The King of Queens' on TBS or playing Wii. This movie is a waste of time, nothing more. There's senseless nudity and swearing, which gave this movie an R rating. Cage usually saves movies like these from getting boring and from the audience spacing out, only to be awaken by an explosion or gunshot from the speakers next to them at the theater. This dude was awesome in 'Ghost Rider', 'Next', and 'World Trade Center', but this is a step down from these films. I can't believe it was #1. I'd rather have seen 'The Dark Knight' in that spot. And I f*cking hate 'The Dark Knight'.
I'm not a big action fan. Far too much senseless violence. That doesn't mean I like to avoid serious topics, or even death itself. Remember the episode of the Golden Girls when Sophia thought she was having a heart attack? Dorothy feared she might lose her mother :( such a touching episode.
That episode still brings me to tears. It had the perfect balance of reflection, comedy, and serious drama. They don't make shows like that any more.
Hi BeaArthurFan1 (wink wink, Patty) Thanks for emailing this site to me. It's not as serious of an episode, but my favorite is the one when the secret service interviews the girls about getting to meet the president! Patty, can you and Allen still make it to the BBQ on Saturday? It would be great to have your potato salad!
We'll be there, but the potato salad may not. I'm volunteering at the blood bank on Friday, and I don't think I'll have enough time to get to the store. I'd have Allen do it, but his hip is acting up again (the cold weather always does it). Anyway, I'm looking forward to the weekend. Your Autumn Barbecue is always such a treat. I look forward to it every year.
-Bea Arthur Fan 1
hi everyone. my job really wore me down today, and i felt so depressed. i can't tell you how happy i feel to have a found a place where i can discuss my favorite show with you all. it's the perfect way to blow off steam
Hang in there anonymous! We have to stick together!
Don't worry about the potato salad Patty. Alice told me she's bringing carrot ginger soup (perfect for a cold day!) and Faye's making a fruit spread of some kind. Send my wishes to the folks at the blood bank. If I hadn't been out of the country last month, I'd be down there donating.
I'll give my best to Don, Murray and the gang for you. I can't wait to try that soup, I bet it will hit the spot.
Anonymous, hang out here more often, it will keep your spirits up!
-Bea Arthur Fan 1
i missed golden girls today, im so disappointed. i usually take my lunch break and sneak off into the break room to watch it, but today some of the guys were watching financial news or something. boo! can anyone tell me what the episode was about today?
I missed it today too. Nick, can you post an update about what Betty White is doing these days?
When's the next post going to come up? I can't wait to hear more about the Golden Girls!
Hey guys, thanks for all the nice comments! :) More Golden Girls stuff in about an hour or so (it's 3:00 PM now)and "rosemary", I will find out what Betty White is doing these days in my next post. Thanks again, guys! I can't believe how much my blog sky-rocketed in only a day! DUDE! XD
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